Designed in-house and assembled by Kalynne ... this bouquet made from dried and preserved botanicals. Our bouquets are typically 18"-22" tall.
This bouquet is perfect for...
- Vases with openings 3”-4” wide
- Gifting as an everlasting bouquet
Care: our preserved bouquets so not need water or light. They will last indefinitely with proper care. Keep out of harsh sunlight and away from moisture for longevity. Store wrapped in tissue paper in enclosed container when not in use.
Bouquets can be cut shorter to fit vessels to your liking! Bouquets are handmade and small variations can be expected and reflect that each one is handmade in small batches by our team of two.
Designed in-house and assembled by Kalynne ... this bouquet made from dried and preserved botanicals. Our bouquets are typically 18"-22" tall.
This bouquet is perfect for...
- Vases with openings 3”-4” wide
- Gifting as an everlasting bouquet
Care: our preserved bouquets so not need water or light. They will last indefinitely with proper care. Keep out of harsh sunlight and away from moisture for longevity. Store wrapped in tissue paper in enclosed container when not in use.
Bouquets can be cut shorter to fit vessels to your liking! Bouquets are handmade and small variations can be expected and reflect that each one is handmade in small batches by our team of two.